• What people are saying.

    "Sarah is a wonderfully kind person as well as a super smart, knowledgeable and fantastic teacher. Most of all she’s on your side to help you meet your personal goals with such contagious enthusiasm and passion! I’ve taken HUGE steps towards my ideal self every coaching session with Sarah. It has been an incredible journey with her as my caring guide. I’ve felt in good hands since our very first session on Day 1. Before I started my coaching with Sarah, I had spent 1.5+ years making very little progress and growth trying to self teach myself various therapy modalities and emotional regulation techniques for my disregulated nervous system with cPTSD & my often experienced anxiety and depression. At that time I only knew that I needed to work with a professional practicing a somatic approach, and honestly was not even too clear on what embodiment coaching was, nor was I certain that it would work on me since I was so disconnected from my body. Well I found out: It seriously works!!!! And there’s no better coach to have than Sarah!! Sarah’s coaching opened up a whole world for me where I’ve experienced unbelievably rapid growth and progress. She’s so good at explainations, modeling techniques and giving suggestions about affirmations or words to use on myself or others together with the techniques. Literally every week I learn new tools to try out that are immediately useful, and discover so many new things about myself and what I can do. Thanks to Sarah, I discovered my own capabilities and ability to control/shift my emotions, energy and mindset! Since doing embodiment work with her, a few additional surprising things that happened for me were:

    I have had aphantasia all my life (at most in my mind I can see a flash of color if prompted) and gave up hope about being able to visualize images. Yet due to the work I’ve been doing with Sarah, I have become so present/aware in my body’s experiences and sensations that I ended up accidentally discovering I actually could visualize through bodily senses rather than the mind (with my eyes open - relying on imagining images within my vision & creating imagined physical touch/texture or other senses). This has been huge for me and something I had previously thought was impossible.

    My default was dissociating when faced with nervous system activation and overwhelming emotion, but now I have grounding and self regulation tools that are accessible even in those moments. I went from being automatically scared of being in my body during stress to growing trust in and going to my body for solutions, instead of escaping it.

    Amazing progress in a short time using methods from embodiment coaching has happened for goals I thought had to be approached through mind based techniques - for example setting better boundaries with others, or changing my relationship to my work and my relationship to self (self confidence/trust in self).

    All in all, I feel extremely grateful for Sarah’s coaching and the many ways it’s changed and continues to change my life for the better. Not only do I feel more happy, confident, regulated and comfortable in my body, I feel more directly in control of my mind, emotions and life. If you’re considering trying out a coaching session, absolutely go for it! Everyone can benefit from embodiment coaching with Sarah and she has my wholehearted recommendation".

    ~ E - Current Client